Newsletter No.10 - The Anti-Capitalist Book Of Fashion
Launch pics, audiobook & tour news. Plus street kitchens in Sri Lanka and repression in Myanmar
August greetings!
What is this wet stuff that keeps falling from the sky? Could it finally be properly raining in London! The plants and ducks are happy and everything smells good.
Wednesday night was the launch of The Anti-Capitalist Book Of Fashion - it is finally out in the world. I was so glad to be joined by Lucy Siegle, Asad Rehman and Andreja Pejić (via video message) to discuss the book and the politics of the fashion industry.

The audience was brilliant with lots of old and new friends and the chance to finally meet people I've only previously seen on a computer screen. People asked thoughtful questions and we discussed the role of social media in shaping the fashion landscape, the roll back of workers rights since Covid, the potential of a justice-based Green New Deal, the role of protest in fashion and ways to get into activism.

Now that TACBOF is really out in the world, I have some important links to share:
Would you like to buy a copy? If so click below. (Alternative: ask your local library to order a copy!)
Are you (like me) a massive audio book fan and would like to read it with your ears? If so click here:
And finally, are you interested in coming to a live event about TACBOF? If so, I'll be in Cardiff, Bristol, Southend-on-Sea, & Leeds:
If you'd like to support me as an author please leave reviews and star ratings on sites like Goodreads, Hive, Bookshop, and Amazon etc. It makes a huge difference and is very much appreciated.
These are some of the things I am keeping my eye on in the industry right now.
- This request for donations to street kitchens in Sri Lanka. Garment workers are struggling to put food on the table during the ongoing economic and political crisis. The Asia Floor Wage is partnering with collectives in Sri Lanka to run three Community Kitchens that are making and distributing 10,000 nutritious meals to garment workers - prioritising young mothers, pregnant women, elderly women and women with anaemia. You can Donate Here and please do share this link with your networks.

- This is a great explainer of why Sri Lanka is in crisis and how more debt is not the solution.
- This depressing report from the ILO on the situation for trade unions in Myanmar under the dictatorship. There is an existential battle for workers rights taking place with mass arrests, raids on offices, and entire organisations being declared 'illegal'. If the Generals win, there will be no workers rights.
- Again on Myanmar - this extensive digital tracker from BHRRC that documents the significant increase in labour and human rights abuses of garment workers across the country since the military took over.
- Back in the UK, campaign groups are calling for UK slash fashion brand Misguided to pay it's suppliers. Misguided collapsed with reported debts of £80m earlier this year, leaving suppliers around the world facing huge unpaid costs - which will directly impact the wage packets of workers. Labour Behind The Label want people to write to Misguided's chair and investors to tell them to pay up. Link to easy online form Here.
- Climate action - XR are gearing up for their next UK rebellion.
Solidarity with you all and please forward this newsletter to anyone you think would be interested. If you get hold of a copy of TACBOF, do please let me know your thoughts via social media.
In solidarity, Tansy.
p.s. I loved chatting with Tolemia at the Idealistically podcast (where activists, artists, influencers, scientists are asked what they would idealistically want, in an ideal world) where we discussed labour rights, live music and living wages. You can listen Here.
p.p.s Pluto have made some cool videos to promote the audiobook:
p.p.p.s my friend has just brought out such a cool book. Highly recommended!