Bangladesh Prime Minister flees: "She was killing garment workers" Uprising in Bangladesh - what now for garment workers?
Featured Let's keep in touch The newsletter where fashion and anti-capitalism collide. It’s free and won’t make you shop more, so sign up now.
Pressure cooker: Heat stress in Tamil Nadu’s garment factories Guest post from India on the collision of climate change, labour rights and gendered exploitation in Tamil Nadu's garment factories.
Members only Patched advice column: The ethics of charity shop hauls. Is it okay to massively over-shop if it's second-hand?
Dress To Protest: Watermelon Edition Provocative but safer than a flag - the fruit defining the protests
Members only Patched advice column: Love knitting, hate yarn supply chains? Patched is here to help find ethical yarn
In my eye line "Kohl isn't a product, it's a cultural institution." Meet the author of Eyeliner - A Cultural History; and get important updates on Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Members only Patched advice column: Using skinny jeans and the mean things people say to reject and disrupt the fashion system.
Unpicking Dior vs Chanel Making Nazis look pretty so they can have nice parties is not an admirable act.
Members only Patched advice column: Taking action against cultural appropriation while preserving the beauty of cultural exchange.
Newsletter No. 18 - Still Stitched Up Ten years on - writing process, advice that doesn't work, plus Anne Hathaway, Myanmar and trainers.
Newsletter No. 17 - Top Three Union Movies Exceptionally good films to watch, news from Bangladesh, demo photos, book news and more...
Foot Work - Japan Edition I have some big news - my book Foot Work - What Your Shoes Tell You About Globalisation launches today in Japanese! 私の本が日本語で出版されます。(My book is now out!) 「あなたが履いている靴が、 どこから来たか知っていますか? 私たちを、どこに連れて行くのかも―― 〝足元〞から世界を考える」 (Do you know where your shoes come from? Do you know where they take us? Thinking
Newsletter No. 16 - Bangladeshi garment workers fight for a living wage How you can help end poverty wages in Bangladesh.
German edition: Das antikapitalistische Buch der Mode Guten Tag! Some great news this week - the German edition of The Anti-Capitalist Book Of Fashion has now been published as Das antikapitalistische Buch der Mode. The publisher is the brilliant Rotpunkverlag who are based in Zurich. They also published the German edition of Stitched Up back in 2015
Fashioning The Future - report launch Publication news! I've co-authored a new report on fashion and degrowth and it's out today.
Newsletter No.15 - A good news garment story? The Dindigul Agreement to End Gender-Based Violence and Harassment should be the biggest news in the fashion industry
Newsletter No.14 - Fashion or Trashion? Kenya's secondhand clothing avalanche, the tenth anniversary of Rana Plaza and much more
Newsletter No.13 - Winter greetings Short and positive! Three recommendations and some garment industry news