Featured Let's keep in touch The newsletter where fashion and anti-capitalism collide. It’s free and won’t make you shop more, so sign up now.
What price on having a liveable planet? It had to be said. My speech to the Global Footwear Future Coalition.
Italian edition: Il libro della moda anticapitalista The Anti-Capitalist Book Of Fashion is now available in Italian from Il Saggiatore.
Bangladesh Prime Minister flees: "She was killing garment workers" Uprising in Bangladesh - what now for garment workers?
Pressure cooker: Heat stress in Tamil Nadu’s garment factories Guest post from India on the collision of climate change, labour rights and gendered exploitation in Tamil Nadu's garment factories.
Members only Patched advice column: The ethics of charity shop hauls. Is it okay to massively over-shop if it's second-hand?
Dress To Protest: Watermelon Edition Provocative but safer than a flag - the fruit defining the protests
Members only Patched advice column: Love knitting, hate yarn supply chains? Patched is here to help find ethical yarn
In my eye line "Kohl isn't a product, it's a cultural institution." Meet the author of Eyeliner - A Cultural History; and get important updates on Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Members only Patched advice column: Using skinny jeans and the mean things people say to reject and disrupt the fashion system.
Unpicking Dior vs Chanel Making Nazis look pretty so they can have nice parties is not an admirable act.
Members only Patched advice column: Taking action against cultural appropriation while preserving the beauty of cultural exchange.