Let's keep in touch
The newsletter where fashion and anti-capitalism collide. It’s free and won’t make you shop more, so sign up now.

Hello and welcome to my small slice of the internet,
You deserve to know what the fashion industry is doing to the world and to your brain. I'm an award-winning author and journalist writing about the point where fashion and capitalism collide. I have spent over a decade writing about worker’s rights and environmentalism, fashion consumption, globalisation, and gendered, racialised, class-based exploitation.
This year I also launched the Patched problem page - your letters replied to with useful anti-capitalist advice.
My newsletter is free, consists of two emails per month and I won’t try and sell you more clothes, so why not annoy a CEO by subscribing today :)
What else you need to know:
- My newsletter really is free.
- I use Ghost.org to run my newsletter and website because it is open source and non-profit.
- I do not use AI to write anything. Ever.
- I won't take money or freebies from brands, or do product placements.
- My journalism will remain independent. I have no interest in using my work to create a comfortable atmosphere for brands.
- Plus you’ll get news about my work - including any new books, and the inside story for my articles. Plus info on books, films, exhibitions, and campaigns that are worth checking out.
- My aim is to keep in touch with people outside of Twitter and Meta/Facebook. As the fashion industry becomes more authoritarian and the climate crisis intensifies, it's important we connect, talk and act on our own terms.
In solidarity, Tansy.