Fashion activism - Now What?

The world is on fire - what are we going to do about it?

Fashion activism - Now What?
Angela Christofilou @protests_photos

Fashion activism is in a state of flux. We're fighting global crises on multiple fronts. Right-wing governments are cutting off campaign funding. Corporate social media is controlled by the worst people in the world. So now what?

Join me for an urgent online event with the Clean Clothes Campaign on Tuesday 25th March at 13:00 CET.

Wondering what your fashion activism should look like?

I’ll be speaking alongside:

  • Zehra Khan, political activist who founded Pakistan’s first trade union for home-based workers.
  • Niki Gamara, who works in South East Asia with garment workers documenting factory-level violations.
  • Mirjana Obradović, who successfully campaigned, alongside other garment workers, to secure unpaid severance from German brand Olymp.

Come along at this critical time to discuss how we will build global solidarity, defend women's rights and fight for labour rights in the fashion industry.

Sign up for the event HERE:

Wondering what your fashion activism should look like?

Or sign up directly by emailing:

If you'd like to submit a question in advance, you can do that HERE.


Thank you to Our Common Market for republishing Nandita & Nikita's brilliant article. The response to this piece was exceptional and I'll be collaborating with Nandita on another article in the coming months.

Factory Flowers: Beauty and Survival in India’s Garment Factories
Garment workers defending the right to flowers in Tamil Nadu

Thank you to No Kill Mag for republishing my Resistance article. Very up for these collaborations so do get in touch if you have a publication idea.

Resistance with Steve McQueen
Resistance - how protest shaped britain and photography shaped protest by Steve McQueen exhibit and book review Tansy Hoskins

Don't forget! Sign up for Tuesday 25th March here.

People are always asking me 'what can I do?'

It starts here:

Wondering what your fashion activism should look like?

See you sometime soon - I am still in album mode for the book. Hoping to send a Patched next month!

In solidarity, Tansy.
