Can I show you my new book cover??
Quick note with major book news

News, news, news!
Welcome to a brief and unscheduled newsletter,
The Pluto Press Autumn 2022 Catalogue has dropped and it is epic. So many phenomenal books addressing racism, class struggle, gender, prison writing, colonialism, spying, war, feminism, hope, art and much more...I plan to spend the Autumn reading as much as possible.
The catalogue also contains news of my latest book - The Anti-Capitalist Book Of Fashion which I am so pleased to be able to share with you today. I've put together a short Q&A about the book starting with the all important question:
Q: What does the new cover look like:

Q: Is it truly a new book? It sounds familiar?
Yes, it is a new book. What started as a re-edit of Stitched Up escalated when I found I couldn't stop writing. The book ended up being about 60% new text. I see it as the same skeleton with brand new flesh on its bones.
Q: What is your favourite thing about the new book?
The people I got to collaborate with! In particular, I seriously love the Foreword by Andreja Pejić. She is a fiery revolutionary as well as an actress & supermodel so it is a dream come true. I am also really pleased to have worked with Indigenous Fashion scholar Riley Kucheran who is a brilliant and inspiring thinker.
Other than that there is just so much new material in the text, covering so many of the things that have happened in the past decade - social media & communicative capitalism, influencers and digital activism, the rise of slash fashion brands, and Covid to name just a few. I cannot wait to discuss and dissect all of this with people.
Q: So when is it out?
20th August 2022.
Q: Can I pre-order?
Q: Will you be doing live book events?
Heck yes (pandemic permitting.) We have some big plans in the pipeline for September & October. If you are interested in organising an event please contact: Kieran O'Connor:
Thank you for reading. This newsletter is growing and I'm enjoying writing it. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would like to sign up - this is where I will be sharing news first.
See you at the end of the month for a proper newsletter!
In solidarity, Tansy.
p.s. I just had an article published on urban mining, looking at if we can 'mine' what we already have for raw materials and avoid the extractivist violence that characterises the mining industry.
I could imagine a beautiful version of urban mining. It would have to begin with asking who lives there...